Dr. William T. (Tom) Pilkington, Professor of English at Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas, died suddenly May 10 in a Fort Worth hospital with his family by his side. Professor Pilkington was a Texas A&M Regents Professor, a Tarleton State University Scholar, and a member of the Texas Institute of Letters. A popular Tarleton teacher for over 40 years, Dr. Pilkington was highly respected and widely known for his scholarship, publishing major studies in Southwestern literature. He also served prominently in many professional organizations, particularly the Western Literature Association. He received his B. A. from Arlington State College, M. A. and Ph.D from Texas Christian University. Prior to joining the Tarleton faculty in 1969 he taught at Southwest Texas State University. He is survived by Betsy, and their son, Michael, daughter-in-law Michelle, and grand children Alyssa and Matthew. Memorial services are scheduled May 18, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in the Barry B. Thompson Student Center Ballroom on the Tarleton State University campus. The family requests donations to the Tarleton State University English Department Scholarship fund in lieu of flowers.